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Technology-Enabled Learning: Policy, Pedagogy and Practice

 Author: Sanjaya Mishra, Santosh Panda  Category: Technology Enabled Learning  Publisher: Commonwealth of Learning  Published: 08 May, 2020  ISBN: 78-1-894975-98-8  Download

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are engines for growth in almost all sectors of human endeavors. Transformational changes in societies are visible due to the appropriate use of ICT, and the field of education is not lagging behind. Across the globe, teaching and learning have undergone a considerable transformation from the traditional classroom model to the current online and blended models, and developments in ICT hold the key to such transformation. Added to this are philosophical imperatives of open education and open learning, and pedagogical revelations from the behaviorist to the constructivist and connectivist. Educational institutions are taking steps to increase access to education, and even more, effort is being put into improving the quality of student collaboration, engagement, and learning. In such a situation, both learner and teacher competencies and skills hold the key across media types — starting from oral and written communication and static and broadcast media to the current interactive and networked media and technologies (Bates, 2016).

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