Innovation Pedagogy and the Role of Learning Analytics

Online laboratories

On labs mimic the physical laboratory where students go to practice the application of scientific experiments. They are befitting alternatives to expensive scientific equipment which is not accessible to all learners. These labs not only benefit the underprivileged but also allows all students to remotely practice and learn on their own. Online labs as well promote a student-centered approach to learning. Method of access (Computer/Mobile)   

 Learning Analytics can be expected to support educators and learners by profiling each learning outcome stated. This can be achieved by collecting information about activity completion which should give insights about the fairness of the activities (Are they understandable), student’s results from each activity (the passing rate). At this point, the passing rate of each activity on n-attempts should inform the educator about the easiness or difficulty of the activities. The Frequency of learners engaging with any of the activities should tell the educator about the engagement as a result of students being attracted to the activity or being troubled by the same. The frequency of learners engaging each other on a specific activity, time spent on each activity, and the most attended activity among others. 

 Offline Networked Learning

In this method of learning, educators and the learners a kept in a loop where teaching and learning are maintained within a community. A community, in this case, can be a school or a group of schools or a group of learners. This approach achieves continuity of learning at school and out of school. Students are facilitated by their educators even when at home.  

In this case, learning analytics should provide educators and learners with data concerning the level of collaboration between the educators, the learners, and learners to learners. The completion rate is also crucial at this point. Activity completion can be indicative of the content which learners can understand. The frequency of access to the platform is another indicator to support educators with some actionable insights. If learners are not accessing the platform there could be a problem with the content or the platform.   

Learning through Open Data

The emergency of open data is transforming the education sector where educators and learners have access to educational resources which according to Wiley 5Rs can be retained, reused, revised, remixed, and redistributed. This freedom is a form of disseminating learning resources very fast to affect many students and educators.

 Here, learning analytics should collect data related to who is benefiting the most (Location-number of downloads educators Vs students). Resources can be relevant to one location and not another or meaningful to educators but not learners. Number of references from authors from the authors,  

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